Project Management by Elvet Chartered Surveyors

Case Study: NETPark 3A Spine Road

project management drone image of netpark
Durham County CouncilNETPark 3A Spine RoadNEC3 Project Manager and Site SupervisorNEC3 Option CNovember 2018£3.6m


NETPark is a world-class location for science and technology companies, providing a dynamic and supportive environment to accelerate the growth of ambitious, innovative, high tech companies into global markets. It encourages collaborative, multidisciplinary links, driving innovation, enterprise, and economic prosperity. It provides companies with access to a focused and international community where talent flourishes, ideas are generated, and businesses have the support and resources to compete with the best in the world.

The objective of the project was to unlock development plots that would allow businesses who not only needed space to grow but with the need to link into the high-quality technology and knowledge base at NETPark. The infrastructure project ensures an extensive range of serviced sites are in place to attract further investment for the next 10 to 15 years.

Project Description

Elvet Chartered Surveyors were appointed by Durham County Council to undertake the NEC3 Project Managers and Site Supervisor for the scheme.

NETPark Phase 3A Spine Road consisted of the following:

  • Construction of the new single carriageway road (7.3 metres wide), roundabout, protected right turn junction, side roads and the stub ends to 11 serviced plots identified for future development.
  • Construction of surface water drainage, utilising dropped kerbs and swales.
  • Construction of storage basins and associated headwalls.
  • Construction of the foul sewer system including a pipe bridge structure and all ancillary elements.
  • Construction of 3.0-metre-wide shared use routes to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Construction of 2.0-metre-wide footpaths.
  • Installation of highway fencing and timber gates
  • Installation of traffic signs
  • Installation of street lighting.
  • Services to the plots.
  • Statutory undertakers’ apparatus to be diverted from the main works area.
  • Grass seeding, tree and shrub planting along with associated future maintenance requirements.
  • Installation of bespoke artwork to the front entrance of the new site.

Esh Civils were appointed as Principal Contractor to deliver the works.

Project Benefits

The overall project objective was to unlock land for future developments. Click here for further information.


The project was delivered within the budget constraints achieving all of the project objectives.

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